A name... what lies within - Part 1

Naming things, as they say, can be quite hard.
I've carried the name Logickal as the title for my solo electronic efforts since the late 1990s. Before that, I recorded and performed occasionally as Eclipse or Ecliptic, but those didn't have quite the ring. In the very early 90s, I was half of one of the only Industrial bands in Nashville, and definitely the one with the most-obscure and least memorable names ever: 9R3RO23 (the origin for which is actually really mundane and probably a story for another day).
The origins for Logickal also stem from the very early 1990s, when I was involved in the local scene with my friend Don, where we split our time between the nascent local rave scene (where we started the first iteration of the SE-RAVES mailing list on the Vanderbilt University VAX/VMS servers) and two shows - simply titled NOISE - at Lucy's Record Shop. Needing something to bill ourselves as promotors, we struck upon Fuzzy Logick Laboratories as a suitable melding of our technological and spiritual pursuits.
Fast forward to the end of the decade, and I had moved on through a few other bands and projects, and found myself musically and personally in a post-rave, post-industrial mode. I still carried the kernel with me that my music should be a synthesis of technological hardness and the hidden, ineffable mysteries, so Logickal was born - implying the hard, binary distinctions of rationality but differentiated by Crowley's 'k' to differentiate it from the mundane definition thereof.
Why am I posting this? All will become clear in a subsequent post.
Also, just realizing that this is the 34th anniversary of the first time I saw Skinny Puppy, in St. Louis at Mississippi Nights.... So, I'll here's a bootleg recording of the following night of that tour in Chicago: