Animated or not
Playing around with animation on the homepage, mostly just to learn a bit about doing it. I can't decide if it's even worth the bother though.
It occurs to me that my front-end skills (or relative lack thereof) are probably showing quite clearly. I've nested things enough that my weaknesses in understanding the box model are probably quite apparent. That's ok, though - this isn't being done for money or an award, and is primarily a learning exercise. Next year there will be something new I'll want to try and I'll probably start all over again.
Either way, for now - the homepage components fade in thanks to Tailwindcss-animated and I've implemented a simple intersection handler to make sure it only happens when the homepage components are visible.
I have found an interesting bug though - I activated astro's page transitions, which are nice - but when going back to the homepage, it breaks the parallax scrolling of the background. Add that to the list, besides:
- jrnl landing entries are too big and look janky
- the discography pages - also not keen on these.
Trying to decide when I'm ready to go ahead and swap out the old site for the new one. It's very close, but would like to get at least those two things under control first. Then again, I'm not doing this for money, so not sure what I'm so hung up about.